JOY Class Beach Retreat- Registration Opens Jan. 22

We are pleased to announce that The 51st Annual JOY Class Beach Retreat (JCBR) will be held April 28-30th, 2023 at Fort Caswell Retreat Center at Oak Island, NC! The JCBR is our annual weekend of faith and friendly competition for 7th to 12th graders who are active members of The JOY Class and the Hayes Barton UMC Youth Program.

Students and leaders are divided into teams that compete in various competitions and events throughout the weekend. Several daily devotions and small groups fill the weekend with time for fellowship and spiritual growth.

JCBR Team Meetings will be held during regular UMYF time from 6-8pm on March 12th, 2023. Team Meetings are a time before the retreat where you will get together with your team to decide your team name, team song, and go over many other fun things for the weekend!

This is the youth application (interested leaders should inquire by email to Rachel Carter or Chris Varnson). PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND FILL OUT ALL FIELDS.


The application deadline is Sunday, February 19, 2022. However, your payment, HBUMC Student Information Form, Permission Form and Liability Release, and JCBR Covenant are not due until Sunday, March 26th, 2023.

These forms can be filled out online at the links below, and payment can be delivered in person or by mail to Rachel Carter or Chris Varnson at Hayes Barton United Methodist Church, 2209 Fairview Rd. Raleigh, NC 27608. Checks should be made out to HBUMC with the student's name in the memo line.

The forms and covenant can be filled out online at: 

Medical Form (only do this if you haven't done it yet for the year):

Covenant Form:

We will also be accepting JCBR payments online via the giving page. Just select the "JOY Beach Retreat" fund from the dropdown.
Online payments can be made here:

If either of these deadlines is not met, we will assume you or your child cannot attend, and you will be taken off the list and your spot given to someone else.


Filling out this application is NOT a guarantee of acceptance.  

We will do our best to accommodate all students who apply, but the number of accepted students will be based on leader attendance as well as transportation space. The following criteria will be used to determine priority of attendance if we receive more applications than spots:

1) Seniors will be given first priority
2) Remaining applications will be ranked in order of student ministry program attendance
3) If necessary, when two or more students have the same attendance record, priority will given to the older student. For example: if a seventh grader and a junior have the same attendance, the junior will be given priority.
4) As a final tie-breaker, priority will be given to the student who submits their application first. For example if two juniors have the same attendance, the one who submits their application first will be given priority.

All students must plan to travel by bus with the group, both for the trip to Fort Caswell on Friday afternoon and back home on Sunday. If a conflict will prevent your child from traveling by bus and participating for the entire weekend, then they should not plan to attend. Please check your schedules carefully before committing to the JCBR.


The cost of this year’s JCBR is $200 per attending youth. Due to complications of bookkeeping and upcoming deposits for the retreat, we ask that you send your entire payment with your release form and covenant.

You will have the opportunity to request up to three same gender roommates below. To make it easier for us to designate room assignments, please communicate with the friends who you request about requesting you as well. Final room assignment decisions will be made by the youth ministry staff, you are not guaranteed to be with the people you request but we will do our best to accommodate everyone.

After March 26th, 2023, there will be no refunds for cancellations unless your spot is able to be filled. Therefore, it is very important that you check your schedule for conflicts before sending in your money. After March 26th, 2023, a refund of $100 will be available only in the event of a medical or family emergency that prevents your child from attending. The other half of your $200 payment goes to a non-refundable deposit to cover pre-trip expenses.

If you or your family need financial assistance, please consider applying for help from The Holroyd Youth Fund. These submissions are known only to the youth ministry staff.
You can apply for financial aid at


If you have any questions about the JCBR, please contact Rachel Carter or Chris Varnson by email.
Rachel -

JOY Class beach retreat 48 (April 2018)